Justin Boyd - President

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Justin Boyd is President of Monroe Group Ltd. and its development partner Steele Properties LLC effective as of March 2021, after serving as General Counsel for the companies since 2016. Under his leadership of the legal department, Boyd has supported the acquisition team in completing over 40 capital transactions totaling over $680 million in transaction costs, strengthened relationships with our lenders, investors and other partners, led our risk management and insurance function, handled all company litigation, implemented a standardized system for property leasing and contracts, and assisted all departments in finding solutions to whatever challenges each faced. As President, Boyd will lead all Monroe Group and Steele Properties efforts moving forward.

Prior to joining Monroe Group and Steele Properties, Boyd worked as an attorney for Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP (now named Lewis Roca ‎Rothgerber Christie LLP) and then worked as Real Estate Counsel at Black Creek Group, a real estate investment company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Justin received his BA from Middlebury College and his Doctorate of Law (JD) degree from the University of Oregon School of Law.